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You are invited




Jacqueline Kimberly Schwartzstein
Levi Scott Lindsey




Jackie and Levi's closest family and friends will gather together to meet and celebrate their wedding! There will be food, cake, and festive drinks. The bride and groom will be married the day before the party, so attire need not be formal; however, they will be dressed up, so feel free to join in! The party will be outside, and the weather in Olympia is usually idyllic in August.




Saturday, the third of August
Two thousand and thirteen
At two o'clock in the afternoon




low_p The reception will be held under the beautiful trees at Scott and Carolyn Lindsey's house in Olympia, Washington. This address will be provided with the RSVP confirmation.




(Please RSVP before June 25th!)

Will you be attending?
Your name:
Your email address:
Number of people in your party (including you):
Please describe any dietary restrictions your party may have:




Should you wish to buy a gift for the bride and groom, there are two registry options. The traditional registry is at Sur La Table, which can be accessed online or in person at one of the store locations. NOTE: the registry service we used with Sur le table is broken. WE HAVE RECEIVED EVERYTHING ON THIS REGISTRY ALREADY! Even though Sur le table may tell you that we did not, they are lying.
An alternate option is the NRDC's Green Gift program, where you can donate to a good cause of your choice in honor of the bride and groom.