Squared Away Title


Hey! This spiffy web app needs JavaScript in order to run. Come back with a browser that has JavaScript turned on!

Level: 1
Score: 0
help toggle music toggle sfx

Game Over

Next chapter button Custom play button Play again button Main menu button
Layers destroyed:
Squares destroyed:
Blocks used:
Collapse bombs used:
Settle bombs used:

Game Paused

Play game button Unpause game button Restart game button Main menu button

Custom Play

Change the game parameters with the controls below.

Play game button Main menu button

Your Stats

Mouse Directions

Keyboard Directions

Just, like, be awesome. And win.

Action Control
Rotate Block X.
Move Block Sideways Arrow key sideways from the block's fall direction.
Drop Block Arrow key toward the block's fall direction.
Switch Block Fall Direction Tap the arrow key away from the block's fall direction twice.
Use Bomb Tap A to select a collapse bomb or S to select a settle bomb. Then use the arrow keys to select which side to release the bomb from. Then tap A or S again to release the bomb.
Switch Selected Block Z.
Pause Game Spacebar.
Action Control
Rotate Block Tap on block.
Move Block Sideways Drag block sideways.
Drop Block Drag block down (toward fall direction).
Switch Block Fall Direction Drag block up (away from current fall direction).
Use Bomb Tap on either the collapse or settle bomb area. Then tap on which side to release the bomb from.
Pause Game Spacebar.


Guaranteed to increase your WPM or your money back!

Size of game area:
Size of center square:
Number of squares in a block:
Number of sides blocks fall from:
Starting level:


Now playing:

Sorry, but not all of these songs may play during the game. Currently this app's webhost allows for only very limited data to be stored on the server.

The talented Eric Skiff composed of all of this music.


This game was made by Levi Lindsey. Please let him know if you have any feedback, suggestions, random thoughts or if you find any bugs! Send Levi an email.

Github iconIf you're one of those people who think code is cool, then fork me on GitHub!

Android iconAlso, this app is coming soon to the Android marketplace.

Debug Console: